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wellington womble
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sean Downsizer Moderator
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sean Downsizer Moderator
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wellington womble
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Posted: Mon Jun 06, 05 9:33 am Post subject: |
Actually, it was sparrows that made me think of it, I noticed them out the front, and later round the back, next door, so they're obviously on the increase round here.
I can't put up nesting boxes, are there are too many cats, but I might have a go at some water. I put out sunflower seeds in the feeders (which the blue tits totally ignored this year, after pilfering all the fur from the next branch along!) and peanuts on the bird table. These are imediately snaffled by the wood pigeons and crow type things. I haven't got muc hin the way of shrubs at the moment, although they didn't seem to have any difficulty finding the cherry tree last year! |
Joined: 16 Dec 2004 Posts: 22790 Location: Montgomeryshire
Joined: 06 Apr 2005 Posts: 561
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 05 1:21 pm Post subject: |
We're bvery lucky having alsorts of diffferent species visit us. (tits- blue cole & grape) sparrows, redwings, lapwings, blackbirds robins, kestrels, barn owls, yellow hammers, wag tails, woodpigeons, swallows etc etc. I think the reason we get them is that our garden (with our neighbours) is a bit like an island within a large open acreage of quite intensively farmed arable farmland.
We hoped our cat (whom we've only had since Jan) was starting to specialise in rodents - having struggled to get a huge (thankfully dead) rat through the cat flap last week. It was about a third her size and was quite impressive!
Unfortunatley however she got confined to barracks yesterday after we had to retreive a couple of fledging sparrows from her clutches. Not sure whether this was really worth it in the big scheme of things but didn't want to have to retrieve a third on the same weekend.
The sparrows might have been trying to make maiden flights from the nests in the eves of the house (actually its a new extension roof that they've managed to get under...!) so maybe they were a little wobbly on their flight feathers. One survived the cat trauma only to fly straight into a bucket of water from which we had to fish him out... We placed him in the hedge and away from prying claws but somehow doubt he made it in view of his dodgy flight skills.
Meanwhile Bramble the cat is being lined up for a bell and collar in the (perhaps forlorn) hope that it brings down the hit rate.... Our last cat used to specialise in rodents and baby rabbits were a particular favourite. Unfortunately she was also quite good a loosing her prey once inside. We played host to one small rabbit for at least 2 or 3 days once (judging from the mess it made in the spare room)... but I digress!
wizz |