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sally_in_wales Downsizer Moderator
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Penny Outskirts
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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 06 11:34 pm Post subject: CHILDREN HAVING FUN,AND ADULTS TOO. |

sally_in_wales wrote: |
We quite often make plastic bottle birdfeeders with kids at work, always a fun project and a good way to introduce children to both creative recycling and birdwatching at the same time. We've done quite similar pop bottle people too- though yours are certainly a bit bigger! Another fun one is to make 'ships in bottles' from old pop bottles, hours of fun for youngsters with a bit of dexterity. Have you had a go at the windmills where you cut flaps in the side fo a bottle and bend them out, then stand the bottle on a cane? that can be a lot of fun too  |
Hi Sally,I'm not very good with words,but here goes, Yes I've made windmills too like you have.but to use more containers I make mine this way.
I get say 2-2 litre round plastic bottles,I cut the bottom off of both of them,I then cut a panel half way round each bottle leaving about 2 inches from the cut off bottom of the container,I then put one ends inside other,so when they were in line,I pull both of the cut panels out on each side through the cut space by turning them until they lock in place with the flaps sticking out on each side.
I then stapled my cut off bottoms onto the edge of each flap,this made them bend a bit,but when the wind blows they help to catch it.
I also make my bird scarres in the same way simply done by making a hole in the the base of any container in line with the cap,I then make holes in the sides to put canes through and attach what ever to them,as one of my photos shows. Plus I put a round headed screw into the top of my cane, so that the container pivots easyer in side the cap.
Thank you for showing your interest in what I've done,I've also had lots of hours of fun making them too,just like all your young children do,its nice to know someone else is doing their bit John. JRP.
Last edited by john on Tue Feb 14, 06 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total |
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Posted: Wed Feb 15, 06 11:56 pm Post subject: RECYCLING YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS WITH THE LADIES. |

Recycling your way to success with the ladies,as reported in our local news paper today 15-2-2006.
For years the answer to one impossible question has eluded most men - what makes women happy?
According to a new survey the answer is not flowers,or a gift,or a candlelit dinner but something far simpler and cheaper - RECYCLING.
Only a quarter of men in the borough currently recycle reqularly.
The council is now URGING MEN TO BOOST THEIR CHANCES with the laidies by recycling their VALENTINE'S DAY CARDS and CHAMPAGNE BOTTLES.
What a load of RUBBISH my wife said,mind you I'm a RE-USER so I think this does not apply to me,or does it,I will have to try buying some flowers first,and maybe a gift,I don't know about a candlelit dinner,no I think I will tell my wife I'm recycling now instead of re-using,IT WORKS OUT CHEAPER. I can't wait for the upturn in my sex life. John. JRP. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 06 9:05 pm Post subject: OXFAM I'M IN ? are you. |

Hi every one,OXFAM have asked me to tell you they need help to help millions of people in East Africa.
THIS MONTH,as the food crisis in East Africa worsens,OXFAM is responding in Ethiopia,Kenya and Somalia by targetting food distributions,water and livelihoods support to over 500,000 people.
Currently,they are trucking in 20,000 litres each week to people in Wajir,Kenya,who previously face a 60-kilomtre trek to find water,or were forced to drink dirty supplies.
To find out more please visit OXFAM-I'M IN-the people's poll at www.oxfam.org.uk, I've offered my help,if we all try to do our bit,I'm sure it will make a big difference to those people who need our help now. John JRP. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 06 11:59 pm Post subject: |

Hi ALL,another month gone by again and still no major break through in regards to finding some one to help me to take my idea forward to help the poor.
Whilst we are now having some rainfall in the South East I have now done up all my container caps to save as much water as I can,as I think we are not going to get a lot in the summer.
This year I'm growing a lot more in my pallet sections on my pallet half plot for example. Starting from the front on the left hand side of my plot, (PI) section I've got Potato's growing in 50 bottomless 2 litre bottles on the bottom,and I've got 50 old Onions growing on the top in 2 litre bottomless bottles sown in 2004. (P2) has got 50 Potato containers on the bottom,and I've got 50 old Leeks growing in bottomless bottles on the top sown in 2004. (P3) I've got 50 Potato containers on the bottom,and I've got 50 mixed Carrot containers on the top sown in 2006. (P4) I've got 50 potato containers on the bottom,and I've got 50 Parsnip containers on the top sown in 2006. (P5) I've got 50 potato containers on the bottom,and I've got 50 Beetroot containers on the top sown in 2006.
I've just started my (A) pallet section with 40 more potato 4 pint containers inside 50 6 pint base containers rows 1-2-4-5,the third rows got my Runner Beans in 10 bottomless 2 litre bottles sown in 2006. (B)-(C) have got 80 base 6 pinter containers in at the moment,with their third rows having some more Runner Beans in sown in 2006. (D)-(E)-(F) have Strawberries growing in them on the bottom in 6 pinters,with some Herbs containers and celery on the top rows,plus old Spring onions,Sweetpeas and other things.In my (G) section I've got 50 Broad Beans plants growing,in my (H) section I've got French Beans,in my (I) section I've got 50 Lettuces growing,in my (J)-(K)-(L) section I've got Peas growing,in my (M)-(N)-(O) section I've got Tomato seedlings growing,in my first pallet section on the right hand side I've got 100 Cabbages growing. (P2) section I've got 100 Brussel Sprouts growing,(P3) section I've got 100 Broccoli growing. (P4) section I've got mixed Onions growing on the bottom in 50 bottomless 2 litre bottles,and I've got 50 Radish containers on the top. (P5) section I've got 100 Cauliflowers growing in it.
All I've got to do now is to wait and see what harvest I will get. Thank you for taking the time to read my message. May you all live long and happy. John. JRP. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
Posted: Fri May 12, 06 12:27 am Post subject: WHAT A FANTASTIC DAY SHE SAID. |

Hi ALL,what a great day we had on the 10-5-2006,what with it being a very hot and sunny day,and meeting a very positive thinking lady,who I spoke to for at least 3 hours,before she had to make her own way back home again to South East Greenwich by bus.
With a end result after our meeting being,she said that she will do all she can to help spread the word on my behalf,about my way of growing things after she see my plot. For example she's going to contact the TV Community channel,and use my idea on her own very small back garden space boxed in by high fences and no earth,just concrete to grow food on to eat as she is a vegetarian,and she can cook too,just as well as she is the loving mother of 9 children who enjoys life.
If there's any one else out there who wants to see my plot,and meet me to talk about it,please e-mail me. John. J.R.P. |
Joined: 19 Jan 2005 Posts: 309 Location: s.e.london
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