the final draft of the constitution is done and 4 copies printed to sign and i have 3 decently tweaked snaps to go with some qorfs (what are gorfs?) for the facebook page
gorfs are words typed in near darkness
fingers and hoofs crossed we should be up and running properly quite soon.there is still lots to be done and for every task completed i find two more i can see we might get to work during this winter's planting and pruning season.
im hoping once we are up and running to have a go at finding out what the volunteers have in terms of skills ,resources and inclinations.we are well into double figures for volunteers so between them i hoping for cake ,some storage space near the site and a pick up truck
the other good thing about sorting this to "officially"running is that we can then go fully public ,seek more funding etc etc .(or more work as i think of it )