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Morello Cherry tree
Sweet Corn problem - any ideas
strange fruit, apples , odd behaviour
this years tomatoes
Getting the garden going this spring
Growing Butternut squash in a compost bin - Advice
Apricot tree - side branch become leader?
and donate the spare
Anybody used a a diesel heater for a greenhouse
Crocus and Leeks?
i've got a new bigboy in my life
or maybe best knot
not edible but propagation method
sniffer dogs like trees
tomato experiment
apple id ?
Ribes..but which one?
A Constitutional Right to Food? Maybe
Broccoli has cropped, what now.
Aphids damage?
reflective panels are ace
Asparagus bed design
Raised beds
Starting seedlings under lights
Windbreaks for an allotment
Bitter spuds
Is there anything more sad...?
Howell Living History Farm in the Days of Covid-19
Veg to sow now...
i miss house plants
Willow water
the slimy hoard, wolf fur update
Good or Bad Idea?
My allotment
ice pack gel "granules"
Squash plant sizes...
Spice rack coriander...
Manure or legumes
Quick crops for isolation
Ground cover
Hazelnuts or Cobnuts
What should I be planting/sowing now?
What are you enjoying from your garden?
rocket science
Vinegar for weed suppressing
Boasting Slightly
Greenhouse supplier
this year's tomatoes
Beans - Growing time
Wot's one got growing?
Bacon chop anyone?
Oats and Beans and Barley Grow
First Little Seedling
Talk to me about tumbler composters
How many of you are salivating over seed catalogues?
Chayote Vine
Uncommon Apples
Did you ever see anything so bizarre?
Under ground food
olives uk ?
Kiwi berries?
Tayberries - your thoughts...
Odd shape chilli
Worst Plum varieties
Best Plum Variety
the slimey hoard
brambles, how are yours?
Rose Bush
testing garden picture posting....
Folks, A trick I learned for growing green onions/scallions
the marvels plants can do
Cheapest Black Plastic / Weed Suppressing Material
No dig / suppressing grass
Peas in Tomato Grow Bags
Plant ID
Avocado Sapling
What to grow under apple tree?
Craeft, a book
sneaky hedge planting
Which apples, pears, plums?
Keeping apples
What's Growing?
Permaculture Course in France
Rainbow flower border
technical orchard planting question
Exciting news
My poor potatoes
the slimey hoard, winterwatch special
Free seeds
well done with the truffle trees
Buggery caterpillars...
Where are all the apple trees?
Apple Variety...Windsor Early
LED grow lights
Winter planting?
Adventures in grafting
Tomato recommendation
Almond tree?
Whos planting garlic?
Indeterminate plum tomato?
the slimey hoard part ... many
to blanche or not to blanche
any thoughts on growing mulch ?
So how are you all doing with the veg planting.
World Naked Gardening day. Sat May 6th
Animal fencing/netting
Of Apple Blossom and a Knife.
Would I.....
Progress report?
hello, rhubarb question...
Wheelbarrow tyre
Potting on chillies
Growing fruit trees beyond their hardiness zones
Horse poo antibiotics and painkillers
Compost tumblers
Large Greenhouse Trays
Bulk damson and nut trees?
Chilli peppers
Apple tree spacing
Grafting grapes.
Polytunnel? Validate me please.
Poly pots for strawberries
watermelons are dangeroos .MWEEP.
Water Spinach
Growing Flax
I definately need to make a start.
apple pruning questions
Tell Me About Root Cellars
Perennial vegetables
Acrylic Greenhouse glazing
This time next year Rodney
Moving soft fruit
Today's harvest - Nov 2nd
Storing Quince
Potato varieties for storage?
Weed suppressing membrane
Bluebell bulbs
Demon Red?
seasons changing
Sprouting chestnuts
I know that we have one or two nutters on here.
drying hydrangea flowers
Potting on purslane - any tips?
Bulbs under bark
soil preservation
origins of crops
Waste Not - Reduce Food Waste
My first top fruit crop of the year Red and White Mulberries
Rhubarb leaves
Flower Bed Full Of Rubble
NorthernMonkeyGirl is a dirty enabler ...
Jam Lady
Planting In Ex Woodland
Sweet potato plants
Rubbish year for beans?
Splitting rhubarb
the slimey hoard part ....umm ..many
Sweet peas and greenfly
Need your views on dead cat buried in potential veg bed....
Another year in the veg patch - mustn't grumble...
on a happy theme...please join in we need it
Plant id please?
Manure as fuel and manure ash as fertilizer
Growing yacon question
Mare's Tail/Equisetum
random tomato question
Cherry net repairs
hello big boy
Anyone tried Grazers Slug and snail repellent?
Quince tree advice needed please!
a bit of an anticlimax
Last frost where you live? Safe to plant out yet?
What do you plant your tomatoes in?
Chives - what to do with them?
The Hungry Gap - what's seeing you through?
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