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fish (the other one)
Joined: 24 Dec 2006 Posts: 319
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 07 4:20 pm Post subject: an article i wrote for the village rag. |
in todays society some find it hard to imagine folk still practice the old country ways of getting a free meal, over the years of strugling to feed myself and my family i have learned from the old poachers and from books,well if your interested read on here a few tips. well where to start!
hares, hares like to sit in a clump of grass some call it a 'form',approach from down wind on a windy and wet day,creep up,he will be crouched down ears back feeling sorry for himself! then dispatch with one stout wack on the head,do it right or itll scream like a child and the keeper will be upon e before yer know it! when using a long net for the beast,set yer net at gate ways,theyre lazy sods and prefer to run under a five bar than through the hedge!, when using a long net be sure to let a foot or so lay on the ground and bow away from the drive,that way the hare will get caught propper and not run along the net.
conie,staple diet of the poacher for a thousand years! so many ways to get a meal there! snares are handy,but old conie are wary,theyll smell yer hands easy enough! i keep mine in a rabbit hutch,theyll take on the smell of the rabbit,when i go to set some snares ille put them in a bag with some of the bedding ,just to rub me hands with before i set em.theyll need setting 3 fingers high, find a used run,how do you know if theyre used ?i hear you say! well find a well worn run ,cut a briar and place it across the run,next day return,if its used therll be a bit of hair on the thorns.problem with a snare is the foxll check them too! easy meal to be had!dont forget to use a stout peg,in times past an anchor or big stick was added incase the peg was drawn.
gins are/were good for conie,bit illegal though,ime told that they should be burried for a week to mask the scent of man.
when stalking prey with gun or bow,be ever conciouse of all around you,a pidgion flying accross a field that suddenly changes direction means he saw man,and that man may be the keeper! listen for the blackbird,he is just as eager to give the keeper away as you! with powder rounds only shoot once ,the first will get the keepers attention,the second will tell him where you are! never return the way you went ,he may have seen you slip out the back gate and into the fields!.allways keep the setting/rising sun behind you,makes it harder for your prey to see you.
there are many tips i could shareif yer interested! 
Last edited by fish (the other one) on Thu Feb 08, 07 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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fish (the other one)
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fish (the other one)
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fish (the other one)
Joined: 24 Dec 2006 Posts: 319