Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 28258 Location: escaped from Swindon
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 04 6:27 pm Post subject: Phew, thats a weight off my mind
One of the big issues with PCs is backups, as if you use a lot of software it is a nightmare getting it all reinstalled.
I have had a particular nightmare as I have been trying to maintain an Ingres Database server under windows, and whilst I am licenced to use it, if the licencing system ever break, as it has done in the past, it was going to be a total bummer of an issue finding someone in a monolithic organisation like Computer Associates to relicence it for me. As I would have to convince them of a quite complicated story.
Over the wekend I noticed that it all seemed to have died again
But today i have managed to get out the game by installing Ingres Open Source under Linux, and getting my Windows software to work with it
I think this means I may have two PC's for sale! This issue is so important to me earming a living I simply had to keep a spare "clone" of the windows PC