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  Topic: Storing bulk grain

Replies: 57
Views: 64127
PostForum: Poultry   Posted: Fri Jun 10, 11 11:23 am   Subject: Storing bulk grain
Standard quality wheat has a bulk density of 720kg/cubic metre

That means you need 1388 litres of space to fit a 1 tonne of wheat. If it is better quality wheat you might fit 800kg in one cubic met ...
  Topic: Where does protein come from?

Replies: 32
Views: 38879
PostForum: Livestock and Pets   Posted: Thu May 12, 11 10:16 am   Subject: Where does protein come from?
Agree that the protein Quality may improve when the grain sprouts, ie there are amino acids formed that are more useful to human nutrition.
The reason the percentage of protein and fibre increases i ...
  Topic: Pigs etc

Replies: 12
Views: 9055
PostForum: Welcome   Posted: Tue Sep 26, 06 11:28 am   Subject: Pigs etc
Co. Fermanagh - I have 4 acres which are mostly clay and rushes.

Ah! Bout ye! Co Fermanagh, half of it under water, and the rest should be!

I'm a Tyrone man myself, handy with a graip, b ...
  Topic: Knife Making

Replies: 38
Views: 41230
PostForum: Make Your Own/DIY   Posted: Wed Jul 05, 06 11:10 am   Subject: Knife Making
That is beautiful.
  Topic: Unpasteurised goats milk and pregnant women

Replies: 13
Views: 27606
PostForum: Livestock and Pets   Posted: Thu May 25, 06 11:55 am   Subject: Unpasteurised goats milk and pregnant women
Well, I drank unpasteurised cows milk all my childhood (and I assume my Mum drank it when she was expecting me).

Not done me any harm.
  Topic: pickled eggs

Replies: 23
Views: 13602
PostForum: Recipes, Preserving, Homebrewing   Posted: Thu May 25, 06 8:31 am   Subject: pickled eggs
Blind testing and science show no difference in battery v free range in eggs, meat or anything else. If it makes you happier then treat differently.

You suggest the anitbiotic, hormone and drug res ...
  Topic: Wanted Fertile Cockrel

Replies: 9
Views: 6519
PostForum: Trading Post   Posted: Fri May 19, 06 8:57 am   Subject: Wanted Fertile Cockrel
I know plenty of fertile Indians mate, not sure they're the type you want though...

They might be Indian, but are they game?
  Topic: Where does all the rapeseed go?

Replies: 20
Views: 29230
PostForum: Grow Your Own   Posted: Tue May 16, 06 10:50 am   Subject: Where does all the rapeseed go?
Two main oilseed rape crushers in UK are Cargill in Liverpool and ADM in Erith (Just on the borders of you Kingdom, King Tahir!!)

I shall have to dispatch an envoy to this strange land

Remembe ...
  Topic: Where does all the rapeseed go?

Replies: 20
Views: 29230
PostForum: Grow Your Own   Posted: Tue May 16, 06 9:39 am   Subject: Where does all the rapeseed go?
Definitely it will be canola type oil. Reading futher on t'internet it would seem Canola is a Canadian/US term, while in Europe we say
Double zero. However cultivars of both Brassica napus (swede) an ...
  Topic: Where does all the rapeseed go?

Replies: 20
Views: 29230
PostForum: Grow Your Own   Posted: Mon May 15, 06 8:43 am   Subject: Where does all the rapeseed go?
Two main oilseed rape crushers in UK are Cargill in Liverpool and ADM in Erith (Just on the borders of you Kingdom, King Tahir!!)

The oil is used in bog standard cooking oil (if its not being label ...
  Topic: Dead or Alive?

Replies: 27
Views: 15594
PostForum: Poultry   Posted: Wed May 10, 06 3:23 pm   Subject: Dead or Alive?

Isn't that a girls blouse of a breed?
  Topic: Chalk

Replies: 28
Views: 18898
PostForum: Grow Your Own   Posted: Tue Apr 25, 06 8:17 am   Subject: Chalk
Chalk, limestone, marble.
All are more or less Calcium carbonate.
  Topic: Chicken for Dinner..

Replies: 12
Views: 14161
PostForum: Poultry   Posted: Mon Apr 10, 06 8:10 am   Subject: Chicken for Dinner..

What was it like then?
  Topic: BBC map of poultry keeping areas in GB

Replies: 19
Views: 20604
PostForum: Poultry   Posted: Fri Apr 07, 06 1:17 pm   Subject: BBC map of poultry keeping areas in GB
So, it's a sectarian map. I'm writing an e-mail to the Rev.

But he's an octogenarian now!
  Topic: BBC map of poultry keeping areas in GB

Replies: 19
Views: 20604
PostForum: Poultry   Posted: Fri Apr 07, 06 11:16 am   Subject: BBC map of poultry keeping areas in GB
It's official, there are no chickens in Northern Ireland. I blame bird flu (and thatcher)

Careful now JB, the map Title reads GB not UK. Got to be precise with your politics and geography these d ...
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