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PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 11 5:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi All, spreading the word about my 3Rs plastic Container Gardening ideas are being ignored to help feed lots of people. I've just started to use FaceBook to let more people know, that there's no need for anyone to die from hunger if they use my very simple to make water recycling system, to grow thing in, using them as water reservoirs or to use as a filtering system, that cost next to nothing, and my ideas could be used now to be part of Governments WORLD AID progamme, if they really do care about people dying. For example. I did post this idea on OXFAMs, and DFID, and GOAL, and on UNISEF Facebook pages, but it was removed not long after, even though they all say that they're trying to help save millions of lives all over the world, with our help. All I'm asking for is a system to be set up say in Greenwich SE10, where all our waste plastic containers can be cleaned and re-used again to grow things in, which then could be sent on to places where people could help to feed themselves in a drought or flood situation. My system really does work so why don't they give it a try, if it help to save just one life, I believe it got to be worth it, and it could also help the poor people live a better life too.
Please check out who I like on Facebook who are showing their support, and those who are not. Thank You.
If your wondering why I'm showing no friends on my facebook page, is they are already on my own website www.recycling.moonfruit.com because they are part of my life in more ways than one. John. JRP (recycling).


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 11 10:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening has arrived for Wheelchair users to enjoy growing things in a different way to help Recycle, Reuse, Reduce some of our waste going to landfill at the same time, done in the simplest of ways, which I hope after seeing my friend Brians daughter Rebecca start using will help some people live a better life.
To see stages of me setting up my NEW Community project at Brians and Pats Home address for Rebecca to use, please visit my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com supported by B&Q in their own way too, as you will see.
Please let me know if you are using any of my FREE ideas, to prove to me that I'm not wasting my time as a inventor and designer in my spare time who really does like trying to help solve problems in the simplest of ways, even though I was always in the bottom class at school, that's why I want to help other people if I can to live a better life, done in my own way to prove IF I CAN do things YOU CAN do things to if you give things a try in your own way. Thank you for taking the time to read my important message about some think that I know does really work. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP, (recycling) I'm also linked to lots of other website too, for example, FaceBook now and YouTube to help spread the word to more people all over the world if I can, and I'm going to try and add another video to cover my 3Rs Wheelchair Container Gardening idea.


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 11 1:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, I do hope you and yours are all well, with this in mind I would like to see the 11-11-2011 also become a day to remember for all times sake, with your help, as the day the WORLD found out there is an answer to help feed millions of people for next to nothing using my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas to grow things now. To day Mr Martyn Sibley has shown his support for my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening for Wheelchair users, Simply done by me spreading the word about something that actually works in the simplest of ways by design, to help people live a better life in a drought or flood situation, and to also help Recycle, Reuse, Reduce waste. To see what I've done in my own way please visit www.recycling.moonfruit.com Thank you. John. JRP (recycling)


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 11 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, there is a answer to every man made problem, so please don't treat my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas like the Elephant standing on a table, all because I'm trying to spread the word about something that actually works in the simplest of ways, and cost next to nothing to make to help my fellow Human being. To find out more please visit my website www.recycling.moonfruit.co or YouTube or FaceBook or please e-mail me at john.new.idea@virgin.net. Thank you. I do hope you have a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 too ok. From me, John JRP (recycling) in the UK.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 11 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Merry Christmas John


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 12 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you Jamanda.


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 01, 12 5:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL this is an update, I've just come back from speaking to Tracy and Alex who are part of a good team run by the Wildehorizons outdoor education trust at the Environment Curriculum Service, 77 Bexley Road SE9. www.widehorizons.org.uk who have shown a great interest in becoming Friends of JRP recycling and in the way I grow things, enough to maybe start setting things up very soon, after them speaking to their boss. Plus I've also spoken to our local B&Q store manager R.... who said he will help in any way he can, to help keep down the cost of any of my Community projects now and in the future. With this in mind if you can help in any way to restore some of the cuts that the Councils have done to the Environment Curriculum Service would be great, as they are trying to spread the word to lots of school children, so they can live a better life now and in the future. Plus today I'm going to send in a form called (Transform) a London 2012 Changing Places Initiative, to help set up two Community Gardens at our MOUND shopping area with the help of the Groundwork team. I will keep you posted.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling). UK. www.recycling.moonfruit.com


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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 12 11:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, Yes, I've got some great news I would like to share with you all, I've just been told by Claire at the Eltham Environmental Curriculum Service, that she is letting me have my very own area to show how I reuse waste plastic containers to grow things in, which is great news for me after so many years of trying to spread the word about my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas, and lots more that works in the simplest of ways.
NOW I have a proper place where children can become friends of John . JRP (recycling) and enjoy growing things in a different way, and where they can watch me doing things with the help of Mother Nature and some water. This I hope will become the MECCA for people to come and see my systems in action all year round if they want to. As its been designed by me to be use in a drought or flood situation and cost next to nothing to make to save lives.
If things all go well I believe the Environment Centre will become as popular as the Chelsea Flower Show or Kew Gardens, just for being different, my water recycling system can work in many different ways Vertically or Horizontally, and using any water that is collected in the containers at any time can be used just like a water resovire, controlled by undoing the cap or doing it up. plus all the other benefits which make my system work.
Plus today I met a young lady from Groundwork Uk who did like my idea of making two community garden areas, both at our MOUND shopping area SE9, which I hope will also be supported by our Royal Borough of Greenwich, I will keep you posted in regards to all of my new projects which I have already put some photos of on my website.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP (recycling) www.recycling.moonfruit.com


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 12 12:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, this is an up date of what I've been doing to help people grow things. I've put up a cantainer screen to hide rubbish as part of a Growing London project at the Mottingham Community Centre SE9, which can be used to grow things in. And I'm still in the process of adding lots of waste containers and trellis to my Eltham Environmental Curriculum Service Centre project to show everyone just how much you can grow in a small area. And I've just been told that I was successful in receiving the funding to help make our MOUND shopping area look much better than it is right now involving growing things too, done with the help of Groundwork London and I hope our own Greenwich Council to make my dream come true, which I have taken photos of, which are all on my website for you to look at if your interested in what I'm trying to do in my own way to help spread the word. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling) www.recycling.moonfruit.com.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 12 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, I hope you find this posting of interest to you as it's to do with waste and trying to help spread the word. To start off with I'm going to be on SKY 2 TV again at 6am on the 26th of April 2012 Secret Life of Suburbia (Gardening). And our youngest grandson is now on TV playing his part in the very latest WEETABIX Advert ( Fuel for BIG days). Which over 114,000 people have already looked at on Youtube, and they made some good comments too. Plus to add to that he's also playing another part as Mr Ewan Mcgregors youngest son, in a film called IMPOSSIBLE.
Where as I've had only 1,ooo visits to my first YouTube video all about my 3rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas. But I've also had over 290,000 visits to my website www.recycling.moonfruit.com showing how I do things. And I'm also going to reuse over 5,000 more plastic containers in trying to help promote the use of waste in Communities, why because my system was designed to help feed Millions of poor people now who are living in a drought or flood situation. Everyday we know the cost of living is going up, but what I'm offering to the world is for FREE, to help millions of people live a better life. Maybe in the future Mr Ewam Mcgregor and our youngest grandson will work together to promote my ideas as I've contacted alot of names on FaceBook to help spread the word, but it does seem to be a waste of my time. If your interested In what I'm trying to do, and you want to help me, then please spread the word as a Friend of JRP. (recycling). Thank you.
And thanks you for taking the time to read my message, and may you and yours and what you grow live long and happy.


Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 12 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL this is a update for you after (15) years of me trying to spread the word about my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas, which I thought of to help feed mainly Millions of people living in a drought or flood situation. The good news for me is there must be atleast 350,000 people now trying to grow thing in waste plastic bottles and other waste container which may have been thrown away in the past, until they see the way I grow things.
My very simple to make water recycling system works simply because you are in control of what water there is, and by treating every container as a water reservoir which can be moved very simply from one place to another on a small or large scale, using just flat lengths of wood or bean canes to help keep them mainly in their place.
At this point I would like to say I'm no gardening expert, BUT, if I can grow things using my ideas anyone can, all I've ever done is see what Mother Nature can do with a little bit of help from me when it comes to using water. With this in mind I'm now in the process of creating an area where people of all ages can see how I grow things, which I hope will also creat alot of interest all over the world even though it's to basic for Chelsea Flower Show.
I do believe that I'm a messenger of new ideas, but because I'm a nobody my ideas are being ignored by so many, maybe in the future lots of people will come and see just how simple it is to change the future for good. With this in mind if you would like to come along to see how I'm trying to Recycle, Reuse, and trying to Reduce waste going to landfill sites, and do Gardening at the same time, then I would like to meet you on the 16th June, at this years Eltham Environmental Curriculum Service (ECS) Open Day at 77 Bexley Road starting from 10am until 4pm I've been told. And there's alot more going on, and it's all FREE too. To find out more by calling Tracy McDougall on 020-8850 2615 or visit www.widehorizons.org.uk thank you.
These are just some of the people I've contacted to help feed people all over the world because of HUNGER. Stop Hunger, The World Food Programme, World Aid, Christian Aid, DFID, Live below the line, DFE, The Co-op, Children Food, Goalireland, Concern Worldwide, UNDIP, UNICEF, Facebook uk, YouTube,The World Bank, The Soil Association, People & Planets, Disabity Horizons, The Community Channel, Childre in Need, Age Concern, The BBC, Ideas for a Cooler World, Global Students, The Hunger Project, Oxfam, the Royal Borought of Greenwich.
Allotments 4ALL, Allotments uk, Downsizer, The Environment Site, Selfsufficientish, The News Shopper have at notime said my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas are a waste of time in trying to get millions of people to use right now, to help feed millions of people trying to live in a drought or flood situation for next to nothing. Yet it's still not being used as part of Governments WORLD AID NOW, even though I'm offering my idea to the world for FREE at great cost to me, what more can one man do without having lots of friends of JRP (recycling).
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy John. www.recycling.moonfruit.com


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 12 11:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PLease HELP me if you can to make my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening idea become part of Governments WORLD AID, your reward is knowing that you alone have tried to help me feed millions of people done in my own way. Thank you. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling) www.recycling.moonfruit.com


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 12 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, I'm NOT trying to play at being GOD I'm just trying to tell the world I know how to help feed Millions ? What I can't understand is why people find it so hard to show their support for me, and using my ideas, what am I doing so wrong ? May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling) www.recycling.moonfruit.com


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 12 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, this is a up date of what I've been doing for some time now, to help get more people to grow things. For example If you go on to Facebook ( Growing London) you will see lots of photos I've taken on different days showing me and my friends doing some gardening in our local community, where we started our project this year. One is at the Mottingham Community Centre SE9 and another is at the Mottingham Community Learning Shop SE9. I've also been doing my own project every Wednesday at the ( Eltham Environmental Curriculum Service Centre) which is also on Facebook ( Widehorizons) Outdoor Education T, which I've also put lots of photos of on my website for you to look at too. As you will see on my own Facebook page ( John Richard Pendergast) I'm just trying to help stop hunger mainly in my own way. Simply done by trying to spread the word in my own way too. May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John JRP (recycling).


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 12 1:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi ALL, I've got some very good news I would like to share with you. Our youngest grandson is going to (HIS Film Premiere) this Monday 19-11-2012 in London, in which he plays Mr Ewan McGreger and Miss Naomi Watts youngest son in their latest Movie called The Impossible, which I hope you will go to see, when it comes out soon.
I've also got some sad news, my 3Rs plastic container gardening screen I put up to hide 3 big rubbish bins, I had to take down at the Mottingham Community Centre SE9, because someone set fire to some of them and others were damaged too, so I thought best I remove them before it get out of hand. But atleast I've got lots of photos on my website covering all my 3Rs Plastic Container Gardening ideas for people to look at, even thought it's not the same as seeing the real thing working.
May you and yours and what you grow live long and happy. John. JRP (recycling ) www.recycling.moonfruit.com

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