Joined: 05 Mar 2006 Posts: 6652 Location: New England (In the US of A)
Posted: Sun Sep 10, 17 8:19 pm Post subject:
Apparently there's been some good flushes over on our side (or whatever close relative we call porcini) that have slowed down with dry weather in August, but some folks are starting to find them again now.
But I've never successfully found/identified them (or truly tried yet - next summer perhaps)
at last they are up, i got about a kilo of button ones from my best site which are now sliced and dried, a couple of days reaching full flavour in a no longer on dehydrator and they will be ready for the jar
eat a few cooked from raw but most get sliced and dried.
a few slices soaked in boiling water then ground to a pulp add a super level of flavour to stews , casseroles, sauces etc etc etc .
in combo with anchovy and shreds of mummified pig the depth of flavour that can be put into dishes is amazing.
at about £100 kg dried they would be outside my budget but a few hundred quids worth for the cost of a couple of quid in leccy to dry em makes them a larder staple.
Sounds as if you are going to be in ceps for the whole year all ready. I like the occasional mushroom of some sort, but not dried every day all year round.