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Persimmon tree - where to buy from?
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Joined: 16 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was researching persimmons and really would like non astringent varieties that you do not have to wait to get soft. Could someone point into the right direction on it?

Gardening express sells large specimen tree but again no idea what variety it is.

Also would they reliable fruit in the UK summer?


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you thinking of planting it outside?


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, outside
I am in Cambridge area


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cambridge: flat, winds from the east, dry, chilly: that Cambridge? Or cambridge Mass?

Tahir is in Essex. Can't remember if he's got any Persimmon.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK, I'd wait for Tahir as well, as he grows unusual fruits in the East of England.

You might find it to be money squandered, though.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cambridge fenland
Quite windy yes, lowest rainfall across the country supposedly, not last year though
North of Cambridge city to be exact

tai haku

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pineberry wrote:
I was researching persimmons and really would like non astringent varieties that you do not have to wait to get soft. Could someone point into the right direction on it?
Also would they reliable fruit in the UK summer?

These are the varieties ART offer, as you'll see Fuyu (the one I got) is non-astringent:

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) Kostata
Fruits yellow-orange, very large, very good quality (astringent before ripe). Tree vigorous, upright, does not require cross pollination. Grafted tree.

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) Mazelli
Fruits orange-red, round, very large, good quality (astringent before ripe). Tree does not require cross pollination. Grafted tree.

Persimmon (Diospyros kaki) Fuyu
Japanese non-astringent variety, fruits flattish-round, large, orange-red, excellent quality. Tree vigorous, does not require cross pollination. Grafted tree.

Their persimmon plants were a decent size for the money. As to harvest I've no experience but think you're very unlikely to get a decent harvest every year. Probably better to be thought of as a nice ornamental that is gonna maybe give you a fruit or two to enjoy and a decent crop every once in a while.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fuyu sold out for this season, will have to wait till next season to order from them.

Have to search for more options.

One person on this forum posted a very impressive list of his persimmons he grows. Just wondering where would they come from.

My kids love them and really hope I could grow few trees.

tai haku

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 13 9:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pineberry wrote:
Fuyu sold out for this season, will have to wait till next season to order from them.

Have to search for more options.

One person on this forum posted a very impressive list of his persimmons he grows. Just wondering where would they come from.

My kids love them and really hope I could grow few trees.

That happens. If you end up thinking you want one from them, go early. They sell out of nearly everything.

I think the chap with the list was gray_b (see below). He may be along soon but if not you could try contacting him through his shop here: https://www.gb-online.co.uk/prestashop/.

gray_b wrote:
Anybody growing Persimmons in the UK ??

Here is a photo of this years fruit from my chocolate persimmon (its not really chocolate, but the flesh is darker orange almost dark brown).

Last years crop was good, not lots by any means but useful and tasty.

Other varieties that I am growing (that are still getting going) include,

Date Plum (Diospyros Lotus) seed for rootstock growing
Campbell NC 10
Cioccolatino (Chocolate)
Farmacista Honorati
Hana Fuyu
Nikita’s Gift.
Rojo Brillante


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 13 9:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pineberry wrote:
Gardening express sells large specimen tree but again no idea what variety it is.

Also would they reliable fruit in the UK summer?

Do NOT buy a large specimen tree, it won't establish anywhere near as well as a young one.

With the weather we've been having you couldn't say anything will reliably fruit here.

I've planted 4 cultivars of d kaki and 4 of d virginiana (20 trees in all) only 4 trees are still alive, no idea whether it's been too wet or too cold but either way it'll be a few years before I can tell you much.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 13 9:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

yummersetter wrote:
OK, I'd wait for Tahir as well, as he grows unusual fruits in the East of England.

You might find it to be money squandered, though.

Yeah, but I'm on solid clay


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 13 9:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Could you share which cultivars you planted and where you got them from please? If its not a secret though.

I just checked a voice mail on my mobile and got a message from Suttons, persimmon they sell is Nishimura Wase cultivar. I might try that althought seems like I will need a pollinator for it for fruit to be non astringent as its pollination dependent.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 13 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No secrets here, I bough all mine off ART.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 13 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pineberry wrote:
I just checked a voice mail on my mobile and got a message from Suttons, persimmon they sell is Nishimura Wase cultivar. I might try that althought seems like I will need a pollinator for it for fruit to be non astringent as its pollination dependent.

Yes, strange things re astringency. Might be worth ordering the Persimmons sheets off ART:

Factsheet F12: Diospyros virginiana - American persimmon

Agroforestry News Vol 5 No 2
Ash, Black walnut - nut cultivation, Forest gardening: root & bulb crops, kaki persimmon, cherries - species descriptions.

Agroforestry News Vol 14 No 3
Mixed species cropping, Sap from black walnut, Rose hips, apples in agroforestry systems, chestnuts – post harvest quality, world hazelnut culture, plants for windy sites (1) – trees, Oriental persimmon in Europe.


Joined: 04 Feb 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 17 9:25 pm    Post subject: Re: Persimmon tree - where to buy from? Reply with quote

Pineberry wrote:
I am new to this forum but got into into thru googling regarding persimmons.

Could anyone recommend where I can buy different persimmon cultivars from?

I know some nurseries do sell the trees now, but when I called them up and enquired which variety they supply, only spaldingbulb got back to me. The rest have know idea it is just Sharon fruit, persimmon they sell (no cultivar name) and parting with £38.99 @ T&M for unknown cultivar is not what I am happy with.

I read some post that some people name several cultivars they grow, but where can I purchase them from? Please help.

Please do contact me I have Sharron fruit and Rojo Brillante for sale.

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