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If I say it I have to do it (socks)

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Joined: 08 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 25 9:11 pm    Post subject: If I say it I have to do it (socks) Reply with quote

So I'm thinking - can I never buy socks again... I can knit all the socks I need surely.

If I say it out loud here I'll have to do it right?

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 25 6:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No reason why not. I knit all my own socks. I wear them inside boots, so even the yarn that claims to be 'lifelong' wear is only for the life of the yarn, not the sock. The advantage is that I can reknit the feet when they wear out. I find it something easy to do while watching TV.


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 25 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just can't knit that fast! Years of practice I guess?


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 25 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gnt for life when life is an unspecified term has assorted implications

it works til it dies

it works until i die

it will still work after the sun turns red giant


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 25 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It will get easier over time. One year I did a set of socks a month.

I don't have the time I did then, but eventually I might find I keep up with the sock wearing out issue

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 25 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have every confidence in you rising to this challenge as you have to all the others we've seen you set yourself and conquer. We will, of course, want photos.

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 25 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think I will ever knit a sock. I find the whole circular thing too complicated.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 25 8:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Once you get it started it is very easy as it is all plain knitting. Just cast on all the stitches you want onto one needle, then divide them between the 3 needles. Knit where you ended into the first stitch you cast on, then carry on. Socks usually start with a rib (1 plain, 1 purl) top but once past that it is plain knitting. There is no problem with finding where you left off and just knitting on the next needle you come to. It looks daunting, but isn't as bad as it looks. You will need a pattern as you will have to turn the heel, but again, once past that, there is some decreasing, then just plain knitting again until you get to the toe. If it takes you a year to knit them it doesn't matter; everyone at their own speed.


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 25 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

there are hand cranked sock knitting machines

no idea if they can do heels

Downsizer Moderator

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 25 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dpack wrote:
there are hand cranked sock knitting machines

no idea if they can do heels

Sally who used to be in Wales, has a vintage one. It is a marvelous contraption.

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 25 9:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think there is a way of doing heels on them, but seems as complicated as doing them by hand.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 25 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

with the magic interweb thing sock machines are available and probably affordable for a family with friends

ebay and amazon etc have them

if it is like jumpers and a "knitting machine" it is easy and a fraction of buying a similar finished garment

a bit fiddly to "loom tune" til you get used to setting up, but iirc my record was all the parts of a jumper in about 45mins(an evening of sleeping babysitting for use of the K.M. good value for both parties)

a pair of socks every ten mins might be a plausible goal

setting patterns was possible with the K.M. not sure about hand crank sock ones

ps a decent pre-loved industrial is around the price of a pre-loved reasonably priced car
if you need thousands of socks a day


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 25 1:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

wind socks on a crank and slide basic jumpers

hand knit fairisle 14 colour and mono wool blackberry cable etc

needles and sword know the ways of etc

thinking of which, one of the best embroiders i have met was a Brig General with a savage reputation. my mum was good but dick was better


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 25 6:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I bought a second hand knitting machine two years ago with all the good intentions... has not left the case

Mistress Rose

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 25 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dpack, unless you are happy with man made fibre, the price of knitting a jumper these days is horrific. One reason I spin my own wool. The last fleece I bought cost me £10; I know commercially they cost a lot more, but this was from the farmer. I have spun it up and got both light and dark grey yarn, which I have used with some commercial wool (Falklands) and some possom wool that Cassandra sent me ages ago, to knit a Fair Isle jumper. I have enough wool left to easily knit a second. It took me ages to do, but I have a rather nice jumper and am considering making a cardigan with the remainder with some bought wool for pattern.

Being awkward, and luckily being good at maths, I managed to get the jumper wool to something like DK thickness by double plying. The pattern was for a thicker wool, but with a lot of calculation it worked pretty well. It was also a knit from top one; a technique I have never used before, so an interesting time working it all out, and a few unpickings too.

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