Did you know Supermarkets throw away an estimated 400,000 Tons Of Food that could be reclaimed a year? |
Yes |
82% |
[ 23 ] |
No |
17% |
[ 5 ] |
Total Votes : 28 |
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Joined: 13 Dec 2004 Posts: 5645 Location: East london/Essex
Joined: 13 Dec 2004 Posts: 5645 Location: East london/Essex
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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 12 6:43 pm Post subject: |
@ DawnMK The problem is that the benefits system is designed to make getting benefits as complex and difficult as possible. Claims take weeks to process, payments are stopped "by mistake" and take more weeks to be reinstated, each benefit requires a separate application and some are dependent on others. People fall through the gaps, sometimes by their own mismanagement, but often simply because a change in circumstances (sickness, accident, loss of job, breakdown of relationship, death) leaves them penniless.
An acquaintance of mine was widowed unexpectedly last year and literally had no money coming in for months while the DWP sorted out moving things from her husband's name to hers (her church supported her). She wasn't in the least bit "benefits savvy" and here it takes 6-8 weeks to get an initial appointment with CAB, so for novice applicants it's a very slow process. If you are on a low income, it's hard to build up a buffer of savings to tide you over hard times and many people don't have access to credit either.
You don't simply roll up at the jobcentre and get given a "handout".
Last edited by marigold on Mon Jun 18, 12 6:45 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Rob R
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 31902 Location: York
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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 12 6:48 pm Post subject: |
so when familys use food banks to help them out to bridge a gap do they then contribute back for others or is it take that they can just use it whenever they want, are they vetted to see that they are needy, I only ask because one family I saw on TV had a very very nice home, two cars and there children had games box thinghys but they were claiming poverty and having to use the food bank towards the end of each month until pay day, I was shocked that they could use this facility when there life style was not that of a family in poverty, both parents worked full time and they did say they would have to sacrifice this years holiday, this was a few months ago round about budget time, they said theywere regular users of the food bank and had been for about a year, surley this abusing a charity that is there to help needy people in the community, I can understand it helping out those who suddenly find themselfs in a situation like you mentioned.
Also isnt there groups out there who go round and collect food from the back of supermarkets and use it to help those in need  |
Joined: 13 Aug 2006 Posts: 35935 Location: The Hive of the Uberbee, Quantock Hills, Somerset
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jamanda Downsizer Moderator
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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 12 7:08 pm Post subject: |
just been chatting to my daughter about it and she was telling me about a friend of hers who every christmas has a hamper from the salvation army, its basicaly a turkey veg, biscuits cake chocolates soft drinks crackers and some pressies for her three children and usually some toileries for her, she applied for it because she told them she was a single parent, but she isnt she is with a partner and always has been, he is a computer engineer, she found about the service through a friend, she suggest to my daughter that she should apply for it, when daughter said to her friend but your not a single parent her reply was well they have never checked and if they are that stupid to give away xmas dinners thats there problem daughter did tell me she sent a letter to the address her friend gave her and informed them of how there generousity was being abused, her friend was a bit miffed she didnt get a xmas dinner xmas gone just a card and an invitation to there christmas service,
I have no objections to genuine cases being given a helping hand, it was mentioned that people dont have to be issued with refferal letters to get help from food banks, wouldnt it be better if they were then it would be those that need it would get it, and stop others abusing the generosity of charities and taking from those that do need help. |
Joined: 13 Aug 2006 Posts: 35935 Location: The Hive of the Uberbee, Quantock Hills, Somerset
Rob R
Joined: 28 Oct 2004 Posts: 31902 Location: York
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